Sunday, October 7, 2012

Colors of Fall Class and Fall Canvas Class Encore

So, I offered this class at Cool Crops in September to 105 women and had 6 class attendees.  I also offered the class at our Just Scrappin Weekend crop 2 weeks later to 50 women and had 17 attendees and 5 on the wait list (ran out of class kits!)  Who knew?!, I spent about 6 hours putting together more class kits for the Colors of Fall to be taught at A Crop To Remember October 14-16, Ready Set Crop November 2-4, and at Chris DeBlois' crop November 9-11.  I hope the class continues to do well.  It's actually a technique class where we create the letters in COLORS and we create the pattern on the background paper.

I also put together 6 Fall Canvas kits for A Crop To Remember based on a special request at the June crop earlier this year.

Lots of work; now folks just need to sign up!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

New Class This Fall!

Hello everyone!  I guess I have been a bad blogger and have not kept my blog up to date all year - sorry!!!  I wanted to share a class that I will be teaching this fall at some of the events I'll be vendoring at.  Below are sneak peaks at the 2 page layout I have prepared.  I hope you will be able to join me in taking this class!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

I still can't believe that 2011 is just seemed like it went too fast! I decided to reflect on all that was accomplished in 2011 and came up with the following:

Vendored at 22 events, several for a new group
Created 4 canvas classes for Just Scrappin crops
Taught classes at every event

I think this has been quite an accomplishment! In 2012, The Crop Shop is scheduled to vendor at 12 events already through June; all of which I am looking forward to! I also hope to post on this blog more often!

Time to get cracking on getting some new classes created!

I hope you all have had a great start to the new year and continue to thrive, be happy and healthy through 2012!